
Name CMC Hasted? Abil. cost Abil. desc P.I.R
Basalt Monolith 3 Yes 3 Add 3 ****
Disrupting Scepter 3 Yes 3 Force discard **
Firebreathing 1 "Yes" R +1/+0 *
Jade Statue 4 No 2 Animate (dunno if the timing is right) *
Rod of Ruin 4 Yes 3 1 damage to any target *
Shivan Dragon 6 No R +1/+0 *****
The Hive 5 "Yes" 5 Make a 1/1 flyer *

Arabian Nights:

Name CMC Hasted? Abil. cost Abil. desc P.I.R
Aladdin 4 No 3 Borrow artifact ***
Ebony Horse 2 "Yes" 2 Retreat *****
Jandor's Saddlebags 2 "Yes" 3 Untap creature **


Name CMC Hasted? Abil. cost Abil. desc P.I.R
Coral Helm 3 "Yes" 3 You random discard; thing gets +2/+2 *
Jalum Tome 3 Yes 2 Loot ****
Millstone 2 Yes 2 Mill 2 *


Name CMC Hasted? Abil. cost Abil. desc P.I.R
Gauntlets of Chaos 5 Yes 5 Swap creatures **
Green Mana Battery 4 Yes 2 Store *
Horn of Deafening 4 Yes 2 Foxfire **
Red Mana Battery 4 Yes 2 Store *