Tonia Hesslethwaite / "Tonzo"


Tonia is a student at Horton Graymuch University, learning about art and history. She's also a regular at the Greyknurl, both as a performer and a plotter. As a musical act she uses the pseudonym "Tonzo" and plunderphonizes the music of a man she hates; her sets are about confrontation and reclaiming music with messages anathema to her own values.

Tonia is a mutant and shows obvious outwards signs of it, having catlike-morphism: whiskers, orangey-black fur and a tail. Her mutant traits go beyond appearance, improving the acuity of her hearing and the movements of her fingers, but she's never noticed anything special about them since she was born that way.


Ella Hosfield

Her tutor at university; they inspire each other and share a passion for the history of the town they live in, both becoming slightly radicalized along the way. In the future, Tonia and Ella are gonna get into ecojustice activism and begin tagging along with saboteurs from the 'Knurl.